ICPerMed "Best Practice in Personalised Medicine" Award 2018

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

1. General call description

The 2018 Award aims to recognise, encourage, promote and disseminate outstanding examples of best practices in personalised medicine. Individuals who have published scientific papers and/or developed best practice strategies in the field of PM between January 1st, 2016 and December 31st , 2017, from any of the ICPerMed partner countries, are eligible to apply.

The awardee(s) will be invited to the ICPerMed Conference 2018 and will be given the opportunity to present their results during a plenary session to stakeholders interested in the area of PM. In addition, the successful candidates will receive a non-cash award of € 500,00 (five hundred) to support the dissemination of the awarded best practice example.

2. Topic of the call

The program will be centred on selecting Best Practices in Personalised Medicine (PM).These best practice examples can consist of one or several of the following:

1. Scientific paper focused on novel approaches for the implementation of PM

2. Training programmes for health personnel, increasing the level of awareness on the potential of PM

3. Examples for interdisciplinary or intersectoral groups of collaboration (governmental and non-governmental organizations, academic management, medical research and Health Care), for the implementation of PM, including Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) activities.

Number of awards

A maximum number of three awards will be selected.

3. Criteria Eligibility

 Applicants have to be residents of an ICPerMed partner countries

 They have to be responsible (e.g. coordinator) for a best practise strategy in PM

 Applicants should belong to one of the following groups:

o Researchers professional in a discipline connected to PM, e.g. Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Research, ELSA-research, regulatory sciences or HTA-connected Research,

o Representatives of Patient organisations,

o Representatives of health care providers and insurances,

o Health Care Professionals, like nurses and GPs, o Medical Education Professionals.

ICPerMed member states

Austria, Canada, Republic of Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

4. Application

The proposal must be submitted electronically using the form available on the ICPerMed website within the award period at the following address: Maria Grazia Mancini mg.mancini-esterno@sanita.it Maria Josefina Ruiz Alvarez mj.ruizalvarez-esterno@sanita.it The application consists of the following documents, bundled together into a single PDF file:

1. an application form describing in detail the best practice approach and intended dissemination approach

2. Short bio sketch (maximum of one page for each applicant)

More information

ICPerMed is a newly established platform of over 35 European and international partners representing ministries, funding agencies and the European Commission. With the support of the ICPerMed Secretariat, the consortium works on coordinating and supporting research to develop PM approaches. Thereby, the central aim of ICPerMed is to align and encourage joint efforts in PM research and implementation on a European and international level.

More information on ICPerMed and the Award can be found here: http://www.ICPerMed.eu