JPIAMR: 6th call for innovation against antibiotic resistant bacteria: New targets, compounds and tools

Convocatoria "cerrada"
Entidad convocante:
European Commission
Projectes de recerca
Plazo interno:
Plazo real:

Objectiu de la convocatòria

The Joint Programming of the European Union aims to pool national research efforts in order to make better use of Europe's public R&D resources and to tackle common European challenges more effectively.
The primary aim of this first joint call of JPIAMR is to combine the resources, infrastructures, and research strengths of multiple countries in order to address the identification and validation of new targets, the development of new therapies, and new tools for new treatments (including new antibiotics).
The call will only cover research tackling the bacterial pathogens and the resistances identified in the Global priority list of antibiotic-resistant bacteria published by the WHO in September 2017 with the addition of multi- and extensively drug resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis.



Only transnational projects will be funded. Each transnational consortium must involve:

  • a minimum of three (3) eligible partners from countries participating in the call
  • a maximum of six (6) countries/project participants

    Project participants not eligible to be funded (e.g. from non-funding countries or not fundable according to national/regional regulations of the participating funding countries) may be involved but cannot be consortium coordinators. Please see the call text for detailed eligibility conditions.

  • Eligible countries:

    Belgium, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland


  • Applicants must adhere to the specific regulations of the national funding organisations. Please see Annex B - Specific National Requirements.


    € 200,000 for Spanish coordinators
    € 150,000 for Spanish partners


    3 years


    Submissions of proposals will be in two steps:

  • Submission deadline for pre-proposals: March 7th 2084, 17:00 CET
  • Submission deadline for full proposals: June 14th, 2018, 17:00 CET

    Convocatòria (URL)

    Submission website