Danone International Prize for Alimentation (DIPA)

Announcement "closed"
Danone Institute
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


Danone Institute International opens a new prize called the Danone International Prize for Alimentation (DIPA). The award replaces the long-standing Danone International Prize for Nutrition. The DIPA will awarded every two years, by the Danone Institute International and the French Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM).

The purpose of the DIPA is to encourage and support cutting edge, innovative and multidisciplinary scientific research in Alimentation, the umbrella term for all practices relating to food, including food choice, purchase, preparation, cooking and meal organisation, and their determinants. The award is intended to raise the profile of a mid-career researcher and accelerate his/her career, as well as help develop knowledge on the topic and inspire junior researchers.

The DIPA aims to:

- advance understanding of Alimentation through cutting edge research

- encourage and inspire pioneering approaches that integrate nutrition research into lifestyle, cultural and socio-economic aspects

- boost collaboration between the different disciplines affecting nutrition, from anthropology to economics

- support talented and highly motivated mid-career researchers whose work contributes to scientific excellence in the field of Alimentation.


To be eligible, an application must meet the following criteria:

The applicants must:

- belong to a non-profit organization

- currently take an active part in research work

- have been conducting research for 10 to 20 years

- benefit from a certain degree of recognition from their peers beyond their national border (including, but not exclusively, through the number and quality of publications in peer reviewed journals or books, talks, conferences, etc.)

- have a proven interest and ability to engage with and spread messages to their peers and other audiences.

Their research work:

- contributes to a better understanding of Alimentation

- combines several dimensions of Alimentation (e.g. behavioural, socioeconomic, public health, cultural factors)

- is interdisciplinary: links and integrates different disciplines (e.g. anthropology, sociology, psychology)

- is rigorous and innovative.

Eligibility is not subject to any geographical limitation in terms of nationality or focus of work.


Applicants will first have to submit a "first short application" comprising (see the form below):

1. Curriculum vitae (CV) of their scientific career (maximum four pages in pdf format)

2. An overview of their research work together with: a summary of work in progress, a brief description of future planned projects, a proposal of related key words for the submitted work, a paragraph describing the scientific rationale for the application (maximum 3 pages in pdf format)

3. A one-page letter explaining how their current research work and future research plans fit with the purpose of the DIPA, including a description of how the work represents a major advance in the topic and pointing out the multidisciplinary and collaborative aspects of the approach used and its potential impact

4. A list of five to ten publications documenting the applicant's past research


The prize is awarded with 100.000 €.


In case of interest, please contact with Research Management Department until 8th September 2017.