Active and Assisted Living Joint Programme (AAL JP): Packages integrating different solutions based on ICT to support active, healthy and independent living of older adults

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


The aim of the AAL Programme is to provide innovative Information and CommunicationsTechnologies (ICT) based solutions including products, systems or services to enhance older adults'quality of life, to improve long-term sustainability of the health and long-term care systems and tostrengthen the industrial base in Europe. The main goal is to improve the autonomy, participation insocial life, skills, and employability of older adults. Solutions funded under the AAL Programmeaddress identified wishes and needs of the end-users, are transnational, collaborative and costsharedbetween private and public funding. AAL projects aim to introduce solutions to the marketwithin a maximum of 2 years after finalisation of the project.


Objectives of the call

The focus of the 2017 call challenge of the AAL Programme is twofold:

-Challenge 1: Develop packages integrating different solutions that address the needs and wishes ofend-users and add value to their lives. Since peoples’ wishes, aspirations and needs evolve overtime, packages should be designed with built-in flexibility and a variety of components in order tomeet diverse individual situations and to remain attractive to their end-users over time. Packagesshould be based on existing and/or open platforms. In this Call Challenge it is possible to:

a)Integrate single successful solutions that have been developed through the course of previous AAL related projects and need finalisation;

b) Develop new components and integrate them intopackages;

c) Include single market-ready components in the packages, as long as there is stillintegration work to be done, and match them with other solutions. However, the project’s focusmust lie on the first two mentioned options

- Challenge 2: extensive testing and evaluation of packages in order to provide meaningful andsignificant results. It is expected that end-users and end-user organisations will have a proactive rolewithin the consortium. A co-creation approach is expected during all phases: the project planning,project implementation and, very importantly, in the business modelling and market uptake of theproposed solution.


Expected impact

- Expected impact on quality of life

ICT-based solutions are expected to contribute to sustain or improve the quality of life of olderadults in different dimensions and throughout the ageing process for:

a) living a healthy, active andmeaningful life;

b) living independently and safely for longer at home (decision and control of dailyactivities) with support from their carers and community when necessary;

c) living in dignity andsatisfaction.

In case the proposed ICT-based solution includes informal and/or professional carers, it shouldsupport them to: a) reduce stress and care burden; b) build resilience; c) improve quality, efficiencyand effectiveness of the care they provide


- Expected impact on the market

ICT-based solutions are expected to contribute to:

a) large(r) exploitation of packages integratingdifferent solutions for older adults throughout the ageing process;

b) growing public and consumermarket of interoperable and scalable AAL systems to support active, healthy and independent livingfor older adults;

c) More European/international collaboration, including end-users, industry andother stakeholders in the value chain;

d) Savings for the social/care system as older adults aresupported in living independently in their homes for longer, thus lowering the need for homecareand delaying the move to institutionalized/Community care.


Eligible applicants

Austria, Belgium, Canada, Cyprus, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland,Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Switzerland.

Eligible for funding are only organizations that are explicitly included in the national eligibilitycriteria published as part of the Guide for Applicants.


Partnership criteria

The consortium must include at least 3 independent eligible organizations from at least 3 differentAAL Partner States participating in the Call for Proposals. In addition, consortium must include:

- at least one eligible for-profit business partner;

- at least one eligible for-profit SME partner which can be the business partner;

- at least one eligible end-user organization.

The consortium must include between 3 and 10 partners.

The effort of industry and other businesspartners in each project is expected to be 50% or more (in person months).


Projects duration

18-36 months


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