JPI-AMR:Fifth Joint Call: Prevention and Intervention Strategies to control AMR infections

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

Objectiu de la convocatòria
This call for joint transnational research proposals, cofunded by the European Union, aims to support multinational, collaborative research projects on comparison of prevention, control and intervention strategies for AMR infections through multidisciplinary studies, including One Health approaches.


Característiques principals

--One Health oriented pilot studies to determine feasibility and protocols for future large scale multi-center and multi-national studies of different prevention or intervention strategies designed to prevent AMR infections in community, health care, agricultural and environmental settings. The One Health approach is encouraged, but not mandatory.

--Compared effectiveness and economic evaluation of the implementation of new and/or more cost-effective methods for rapid detection and diagnosis of infections by multi-drug resistant microorganisms (MDR) for the purpose of identification of appropriate therapy, transmission routes or early detection of outbreaks in different settings.

--Investigations of efficacy and effectiveness of behavioral intervention strategies, public awareness strategies or other stewardship strategies aiming at reducing the use and misuse of antibiotics and the development and transfer of AMR.

--Assessment of new methods to improve and raise hygiene and sanitation standards to reduce infections in health and care settings.

--Evaluation of the impact of new ways to standardize and utilize antimicrobial use and transmission data on intervention strategies and prevention of antimicrobial resistance.


Convocatòria (URL)



--Min three eligible partners from three different countries participating.

--Max six project partners. However, consortia including partners from Latvia, Poland or Romania may increase the total number of partners to 7.

--A maximum of one or two partners from a participating country per project.

--Project participants not eligible to be funded may be involved in projects if they secure their own funding and if their expertise is indispensable for reaching the objectives.

--The consortia should always consist of a majority of funded project participants.

--Project participants not eligible to be funded cannot be consortium coordinators and must accept all JPIAMR rules and guidelines just as funded members.



3 years