Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR): Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in the European Union

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


The Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) programme aims to anchor awareness and understanding of global development in our societies. It highlights the universal responsibilities of all individuals, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Local Authorities (LAs), governments and other development actors, to contribute to sustainable and inclusive development. It supports the active engagement of the European public, through initiatives designed and led by CSOs and LAs, in global attempts to eradicate poverty, promote justice, human rights and democracy, social responsibility, gender equality and sustainable development strategies in partner countries. It contributes to the enhancement of the public's critical understanding of the interdependent world, and of their roles and responsibilities in a globalised society.


Objectives of the call

The main objective of this call is to promote development education and raise public awareness on development and cooperation policies. The specific objective is to provide support for and promote quality development education and awareness raising among the European public. The proposed projects must foster a growing awareness and critical understanding of the role, responsibility and lifestyles of the public in relation to an interdependent world.


Structure of the call

This call contains four lots, three of which are open to private entities:

- Lot 1: Global Learning education and campaigning and advocacy (all EU Member States)

• Option 1 – Global learning education: focus on development education in the formal education system and on actions outside of the formal education system (such as youth groups, non-formal education, seminar type conferences, etc.) Projects aim at enhancing the competences of the target groups in addressing issues of global development. Actions which focus on the formal education system must be approved by the relevant educational authorities of the country in which they will take place.

• Option 2 – Campaigning and advocacy: bring concrete changes in behaviour at individual and collective levels; facilitate and support informed public engagement and advocacy for more just and sustainable policies, political/economic structures, and individual practices. Campaigning and advocacy projects should have a clear pan-European dimension. Actions must take place in a minimum of 10 EU Member State


- Lot 2: Global Learning education and campaigning and advocacy (from EU 13 Member States) Options and rules as per lot 1 apply. Actions must take place in a minimum of 6 EU Member States.


-Lot 3: Financial support to third parties The objective is to reach out to Civil Society Organisations that do not have the financial, administrative or operational capacity to compete directly for EU funding under the DEAR programme. This will be accomplished through the modality of financial support to third parties, which will be the main purpose of the action. Financial support to third parties consists in an indirect financial contribution through an EC grant Beneficiary to a third party. It is a payment of a non-commercial nature to implement an activity by financial support to third parties. Actions must take place in a minimum of 6 EU Member States.



Proposals must address the following two priorities: - contribute to the pursuit of one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) approved in September 2015 by the United Nations Member States. One of the goals is dedicated to health and well-being; they must also facilitate the contribution of the European public to development work in line with the universality principle defined in the SDG's: - focus on interdependencies between developing countries and the European Union, and seek to build public understanding of global public goods and challenges. A particular emphasis is expected on issues related to migration, climate change, and gender equality.


Eligible applicants

Applicants and partners must be non-profit Civil Society Organisations or associations of Civil Society Organisations.


Eligible countries

For the Lots 1 and 3 the applicant and partners must be based in the EU. The Lot 2 is open only to applicants from the EU-13 Member States: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.


Partnership criteria

The projects must be transnational and foresee the participation of at least three partners from three different Member States. The applicant must demonstrate to have regularly carried out activities in the field of development of the kind covered by this programme during at least three years.



Lot 1: - minimum amount: 3 million euro - maximum amount: 7 million euro Lot 2: - minimum amount: 750.000 euro - maximum amount: 7 million euro Lot 3: - minimum amount: 3 million euro - maximum amount: 7 million euro Maximum co-funding percentage: 90% of the total eligible costs.


Projects duration

Between 12 and 36 months


Deadline for submitting applications

- Deadline for submission of concept notes: 1 June 2016

- Deadline for submission of full applications: October 2016


More information at


In case of interest please contact the Research Support Office (Leonor Norton,,