Action grants to support transnational projects on the elimination of corporal punishment of children - JUST/2015/RDAP/AG/CORP

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


The call aims to co-fund transnational projects on the elimination of corporal punishment for children, in line with the specific objective to prevent and combat all forms of violence against children, young people and women, as well as violence against other groups at risk, in particular groups at risk of violence in close relationships, and to protect victims of such violence Daphne).

Projects and activities out of scope of this call

The priority of this call is the elimination of corporal punishment. It does not cover other forms of violence against children. This call does not aim to fund projects in the area of: - children as victims of bullying/cyberbullying; - preventing and supporting victims of sexual violence or sexual harassment; - supporting victims of other forms of violence against children, such as domestic violence or abuse, trafficking, sexual exploitation or harmful practices such as female genital mutilation or forced marriage.

Description of the activities to be funded under the call

This call will fund activities on:

· comprehensive planning and initiation of sustainable training and awareness raising of the public on all of the following: the law on corporal punishment, children's right to protection, the dangers of corporal punishment, and the promotion of positive discipline.

· training and cooperation of relevant actors/agencies/professionals and key players (see below) to develop a shared understanding and sustainable approach to ensure progress towards elimination. This could include, for example, the development and/or implementation of a comprehensive list of measures, and exploration of opportunities/determination of most appropriate channels

· development and wide dissemination of detailed guidance for all involved on how the law prohibiting corporal punishment should be implemented in the best interests of the child


Projects must be transnational and should be elaborated in partnership with and/or be led by key players, such as ministries and/or agencies responsible for children (e.g. ministries for children, education, health, child protection agency, social affairs), child rights organisations, children's ombudspersons and national human rights institutes for children, etc. Furthermore, one public authority per participating country must either be involved in the project (as applicant or partner) or express in writing its support to the application. Applicants must document that they have the prior commitment of participating key players and explain the rationale/selection choices.


The initial duration of the projects should not exceed 24 months.


3 March 2016, 12:00 (noon) Central European Time

Further information about the call


Research Support Office (Leonor Norton