Justice Programme - Support to transnational projects in the area of EU Drug policy

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


The Justice Programme outlines as a specific objective the support of initiatives in the field of drugs policy as regards judicial cooperation and crime prevention aspects. Furthermore, the Regulation 1382/2013 refers to the EU Drugs Strategy (2013-2020) objectives, which aim to ensure a balanced approach based on simultaneous reduction of drug demand and drug supply, acknowledging that drug demand reduction and drug supply reduction are mutually reinforcing elements in illicit drugs policy. That Strategy maintains as one of its main objectives the aim of contributing to a measurable reduction of drug demand, of drug dependence and of drug-related health and social risks and harms. In this frame the present call for proposals aims at funding projects on the topic of EU drugs policy.


Projects must address one of the following priorities:

1. Support of the implementation of EU legislation on new psychoactive substances by: a) improving the capacity to identify and assess new psychoactive substances and b) reducing the availability of harmful substances and c) monitoring the extent and patterns of use of such substances and d) sharing best practices on prevention;

2. Exchange of best practices on cooperation between public authorities involved in drug-related services and civil society in order to ensure: a) enhancing the effectiveness of prevention and harm reduction measures and b) enhancing the effectiveness of reintegration and rehabilitation of (longterm) drug users, including those released from prison; in particular through developing and sharing innovative approaches and c) improved effectiveness of law enforcement activities aiming at the prevention and reduction of the number of drug-related offences;

3. Support of the involvement of civil society in the implementation of the objectives of the EU Drug Strategy 2013-2020 and of the specific actions under the EU Drugs Action Plan 2013-2016.

Eligible activities

The following activities can be funded:

- data collection, surveys and research activities;

- training activities;

- mutual learning, exchange of good practices, cooperation, including identifying best practices which may be transferable to other participating countries;

- dissemination and awareness-raising activities.

Eligible countries

The applicant and partners must be legally constituted public bodies, non-profit-making private entities or international organisations based in the EU Member States, with the exception of United Kingdom and Denmark.

Partnership criteria

The projects must be transnational and involve organisations from at least two entities established in two different EU Member States participating in the Justice Programme.

Project duration

The maximum duration of a project must be of 24 months.


The grant cannot be lower than 150.000 Euro and is limited to a maximum co-funding rate of 80% of the total eligible costs of the action. The Commission expects to fund approximately 5-6 proposals.


14 January 2016 at 12.00

More info:


In case of interest please contact the Support Research Office (Leonor Norton lnorton@fsjd.org; recerca@fsjd.org).