Research Grants - Nutricia Foundation

Announcement "closed"
Nutricia Research Foundation
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

The basic activity of the Foundation to fulfil its mission is supplying grants for nutrition related research projects. Project grants are available for a maximum of two years.

For two-year projects, a progress report must be submitted shortly before the end of the first year by the end of September / early October. On the basis of this report, the Foundation will decide by the end of October on release of the grant for the second year.

Applications for research grants are reviewed on the basis of the originality of the project, the definition of a clear study hypothesis, the appropriateness of the experimental design, the feasibility of the research plan and the relevance to nutrition. Where appropriate, applicants are encouraged to show power and sample size calculations in full, and seek help from statisticians if needed.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain specific approval for the research project from the local ethical committee. An affirmative letter from such a committee should be attached to the application form. If animal experiments are involved, a similar letter of approval from the appropriate body is required. In case the respective approvals are still missing at the project review meeting, the Scientific Advisory Committee might make its own rather conservative assessment on ethics. Funding will always be under the condition of formal ethics approval.

Projects accepted for funding should preferably be started in the first quarter of the year. If this cannot be accomplished, an appropriate request should be made to the Secretariat. Projects which cannot be started before 1 October need to be resubmitted at the new round and renewed approval will be considered in competition with the other application from that round.

The Foundation will support research projects to a maximum of € 25,000 per year. Travel costs and investment in permanent equipment will not be supported. Payment of human volunteers, if applicable, would be accepted.

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research's Foundation no later than September 23rd.