The Human Brain Project (HBP) FET Flagship Call for Expressions of Interest (CEoI) on "Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience"

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

Objectiu de la convocatòria

The Human Brain Project (HBP, is an ambitious 10 years long research initiative, and part of the EU flagship program ( HBP is developing innovative ICT platforms that will help neuroscientists integrating data and knowledge about the brain across all levels of its spatial and temporal organisation (from genes to behaviour, into detailed reconstructions and simulations) with the aim of better understanding the functioning of the human brain and its diseases.

Through this Call for Expressions of Interest (CEoI), it is expected that four project Groups of Partners will be selected for EU funding under the HBP H2020 phase through this CEoI. Each proposal selected will form a separate Work Package. The four Work Packages selected via this call will form a new "Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience" Subproject (a new SP3). The Work Package leaders will elect their SP leader, who will coordinate the SP and represent it in the HBP governance.

Convocatòria (URL)


Your Group of Partners will include 3 to 5 partners from at least 2 countries. Only Groups of Partners consisting of high-level partners, research labs from academia or industry, have a chance of getting funded. Each partner must be eligible for EU funding under the H2020 rules. Any organization / institution eligible for EU-funding can participate. This includes existing partners of the HBP project as well as institutions without a former involvement in HBP. Participation in more than one proposal is possible. All proposals are treated equally during the evaluation and are subject to the same evaluation criteria (see Annex 4).


The total EU-funding reserved for this call is EUR 8.9 million. It will be distributed according to the following scheme: • EUR 2 million per Group of Partners maximum (for four Groups of Partners selected for funding through this call) • EUR 0.9 million reserved for the coordination of the SP Work Package.


Funding will be granted for a runtime of two years (from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2018). The partners of each selected Group of Partners will also be eligible for funding during the following phases of HBP (i.e., after April 2018, subject to continuation of EU funding). However, success in this CEoI should not be considered as a commitment by HBP (or the EU) to continue funding your work after the end of this 2-year period. The continuation of your funding will be subject to the same conditions as for all other HBP partners.