Post-doctoral Study grants

Announcement "closed"
Fyssen Foundation
Recursos Humans
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


Study grants are ment for post-doctoral researchers, working on research disciplines such as Ethology, Paleontology, Archaeology, Anthropology, Psychology, Epistemology, Logic and the Sciences of nervous system.

These grants are awarded to french or foreign researchers, holders of a foreign Phd and who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory in France; or either french or foreign researchers holders of a french Phd who wish to achieve their project in a Laboratory abroad (excluded origin country and de co-tutorship)

Eligibility conditions

Start his first post-doctoral fellowship with this financial support.

Be 35 years of age or under on the date of closure of the call.

PhD awarded less than 2 years prior to September 1st of the year of application, or thesis defence on December 31st of the year of application at the latest.

Amount of the grant

Maximum amount of 25 000 euros.

Duration of the grant

From 8 months to 12 months not renewable , and until 24 months subject to the approval of the Scientific Committee after  examination of  a report at the end of the first year.

How to apply

On-line application:


The application form

An invitation letter of the host laboratory

The letters of two scientific personalities able to put an appreciation on the program and the research works of the candidate

The research project on 8 pages maximum drafted in French or in English

The CV and the publications of the candidate

The abstract (150 words) of the research project as well as a list of keywords. In French AND in English

The Phd copy or an attestation testifying the candidate will achieve his viva on December 31st 2016 the latest

Additional Information

In case of interest, please contact no later than 23rd March with FSJD Research's Department.