Postgraduate studies in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), North America or the Asia-Pacific zone 2025

Announcement "closed"
I'm interested
LaCaixa Foundation
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:
1.600 € mensuals

The "la Caixa" Foundation is offering 100 fellowships to pursue postgraduate studies at universities in any country within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), North America (the United States or Canada), and the Asia-Pacific region (Australia, South Korea, India, Japan, Singapore and China).

The fellowships are intended for master's or doctoral studies, which must start with the fellowship. Predoctoral scientific and technical research stays are also accepted.

Fellowships will be awarded for one academic year-which under no circumstances may be less than 9 months-and may be extended for a second academic year, up to a maximum of 24 months.

Tuition fees of the university where the fellow has been admitted to, with no limits to the amount

Monthly allowance, For studies pursued in other EHEA countries, the monthly allowance will be calculated by converting 1,600 euros to local currency.

Travel expenses: 

- For EHEA countries: Initial one-time amount of 500 euros.

- For North America and the Asia-Pacific region: Initial one-time amount of 1,500 euros.

Final amount of 250 euros for expenses related to the awarding of the degree, accreditation of the marks received, and other administrative expenses that may arise from the completion of the studies for which the fellowship was awarded.


Candidates must have Spanish or Portuguese nationality.

Candidates must have pursued bachelor studies in Spain (Spanish candidates) or Portugal (Portuguese candidates). Bachelor studies must have ended up between January 2016 and July 2025.

All credits are understood to have been earned when the only requirement that remains to apply for the awarding of the degree is the approval of the report, thesis, dissertation or final project, when so required. In the latter case, upon receiving the fellowship and prior to availing of it, the candidate should accredit that they are in a position to apply for the awarding of the degree at their university. Candidates who have completed a bachelor's degree abroad before the start of the fellowship are not eligible for this call.

To prove advanced level of the foreign language in which the studies will be pursue


  • Individuals who have already availed of a postgraduate fellowship from the "la Caixa" Foundation or individuals who were previously awarded a fellowship but declined it without any duly justified circumstance of illness or a reason of force majeure cannot apply for this fellowship. 
  • Candidates applying to this fellowship will not have the option to apply simultaneously to another "la Caixa" Foundation fellowships programme of the same call.
  • Applications to pursue a master's degree that already started before the start date of the fellowship will not be accepted.
  • Applications to pursue a double degree programme that is made up of two master's degrees that could be pursued separately will not be accepted.
  • Holding a doctoral degree certificate or being in a position to apply for it before the fellowship period disqualifies a candidate from applying for this programme. Likewise, where applicable, availing of the fellowship will no longer be possible once the fellow obtains the doctoral degree certificate or is in a position to apply for it.
  • If a candidate cannot attend the final interview which they have been invited to, they must notify it well in advance so the "la Caixa" Foundation can offer their slot to another applicant. Otherwise, they will not be able to submit applications to other calls, unless they can provide reasonable grounds for their nonappearance.
  • Under no circumstances may applicants contact the experts who are taking part or have taken part in the selection processes of this call for applications to ask them for information regarding the status of their application or any other aspect related to the selection process. Should this occur, the candidate will be disqualified from this and future selection processes.
  • These fellowships are incompatible with any other paid work, grant, or financial aid from any other organisation, unless expressly authorised by the "la Caixa" Foundation.

The application must be completed entirely in English.

Using the application platform, candidates must complete the formalities to obtain, prior to the deadline for applications, at least three reference letters from university professors or other relevant individuals with whom they have had contact either academically or professionally.

Among other documents, candidates must append to their application in PDF format:
- The academic certificate of the bachelor studies that make the application eligible.
- If the documents uploaded to the application platform were issued in a language other than English, a translation into English, which can be done by the candidate, must be attached.

In case of interest, contact with FSJD Research's Department before Jaunary 29 th 2025. Contact email: