Call for expression of interest: Support for the coordination of research and innovation programmes and infrastructures

Announcement "closed"
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


These Pilot Coordination Actions (PCA) aim at promoting the opening and the coordination of programmes and infrastructures at a biregional scale (UE/Latin American and the Caribbean Countries - ALC) with a view to coordinating their specific agendas and establishing common objectives and activities.

This call is a key opportunity for:

- Bring an international dimension to a regional or national programme;

- Enhancing the impact of activities at a biregional scale;

- Opening new partnerships with LAC and EU Countries;

- Offering new opportunities for LAC and EU researchers;

- Integrating new activities in an existing programme;

- Reaching a critical mass in a specific field of R&I;

- Coordinating agendas in a specific field of R&I;

- Twinning programmes or infrastructures.

Who can apply

This call is open to programme and infrastructure managers targeting any field of study. The partners will define their own priorities depending on the objectives of the coordination strategy.

This partnership has to be comprised of a minimum of two partners from the ALC Region and two partners from the EU

What support is offered

The selected projects (maximum of 6) will receive a 15.000€ grant for the organization of meetings between programme managers in the aim of developing a feasibility plan oriented towards a long-lasting cooperation between programmes or infrastructures.

How to apply

Application must be sent by the leading institution and will include:

Application form filled in (see attached)

Annex A letter of intent signed by the lead institution

Any additional information if relevant

The documents must be sent to

In case of interest, please contact with Resarch's Department no later than September 25th.

The official deadline to submit the proposal is October 1st at 17.00 h Brussels time.