Innovative Health Iniciative (IHI) call 6 2023 (two-stage): Short pre-announcement on future opportunities

Announcement "closed"
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Innovative Health Initiative
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

IHI calls for proposals (previously known as IMI calls) represent an opportunity for organisations involved in health research and healthcare to form consortia and apply to be part of cross-sector partnerships that bring together a range of stakeholders to tackle some of the biggest challenges in health research today.

The IHI call 6, which is a two-stage call, covering the following two topics:

  • Topic 1: Support healthcare system resilience through a focus on persistency in the treatment of chronic diseases. 

The maximum financial contribution from the IHI JU is up to EUR 12 500 000. NB: this amount is indicative and subject to change, pending approval by the IHI Governing Board. This budget is expected to cover four pilots in different disease areas (including diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease) in different geographies and healthcare systems. It is expected that infrastructure for data collection, de-identification, harmonisation, user interfaces, apps, and other relevant tools will have to be set up and customised. Also, the number of required stakeholders and parties for this collaboration is large and will require a solid governance setup and well-functioning stakeholder management.

The indicative in-kind and financial contribution from industry beneficiaries is EUR 12 500 000. NB: this amount is indicative and subject to change, pending approval by the IHI Governing Board.

  • Topic 2: Development of practical guidance and recommendations for using real world data/real world evidence in healthcare decision-making.

The maximum financial contribution from the IHI JU is up to EUR 14 000 000. NB: this amount is indicative and subject to change, pending approval by the IHI Governing Board. · The indicative in-kind and financial contribution from industry beneficiaries is EUR 14 000 000 (target). NB: this amount is indicative and subject to change, pending approval by the IHI Governing Board.

The topics are currently under consultation with the States' Representatives Group (SRG) and the Science and Innovation Panel (SIP). They may therefore change considerably between the versions published here and the call launch, and applicants should check the final, approved topic texts once the calls are launched.

All information regarding future IHI call topics is indicative and subject to change. Final information about future IHI calls will be communicated after approval by the IHI Governing Board.


To be defined in the final announcement of the call.


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.