Leducq Foundation International Networks of Excellence

Announcement "closed"
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Fondation Leducq
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

The Fondation Leducq was established in 1996 by French entrepreneur Jean Leducq. The Foundation aims to improve human health through international efforts to combat cardiovascular and neurovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease remains a leading cause of death and disability worldwide and is now recognised as a major public health problem of the developing world: it is estimated that more than one billion people suffer from hypertension.

The International Networks of Excellence in Cardiovascular and Neurovascular Research Program (INEP) has been created to promote internationally collaborative basic, translational and clinical research into cardiovascular and neurovascular disease. The programme will bring together a network of international researchers with complementary expertise and resources to generate new knowledge with the potential to advance the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular and/or neurovascular disease.

Networks should strive to advance knowledge in a defined theme, which may cover a variety of interrelated topics and put to use the resources and multidisciplinary expertise available. Overarching project aims may be to:

  • Seek to understand a fundamental mechanistic question.
  • Test a hypothesis.
  • Attempt a breakthrough on a particularly difficult research question.
  • Propose a novel idea in cardiovascular and/or neurovascular research.

Value Notes:

Networks are awarded up to $8 million over five years. This can be distributed evenly over each year or, in certain cases, a request can be made for graduated distribution.

Networks with any unspent funds remaining at the conclusion of the five-year grant period may request a no-cost extension for up to one year, which will be granted at the foundation's discretion.

A total of four grants will be awarded during the application cycle.


Applications are welcome from around the world.

The project will be led by two Network Coordinators who must be from different continents.

Networks should have a minimum of three institutional members and ideally no more than six. Applicants wishing to include more than six institutions in the network should discuss this with Leducq directly.

Applicants must have expertise in cardiovascular/neurovascular disease or a related field and must be affiliated with an academic research centre.

Early-career investigators can participate in the network research programme under the supervision or support of one or more network members.

Applicants must submit a letter of intent via the Fluxx online portal by 6 September 2023.


In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.