EU4Health-Action Grants 2023

Announcement "closed"
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European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:
Depending on the topic

The European Commission's EU4Health program is the EU's ambitious response to COVID-19. The program will finance projects and coordination actions in four areas of action: Preparedness for future health crises, Disease prevention, Strengthening health systems and their workers, and Digitalization.

This sheet lists the topic to be financed by the EU4Health program whose application deadline is October 17, 2023:

  • EU4H-2023-PJ-01: Supporting access to medical devices for cross border health threats (HERA) - budget of €1.75M for the financing of a single proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-02: Supporting stakeholders on the prevention of NCDs in the area of chronic respiratory diseases - budget of €1M for the financing of a maximum of three proposals with a funding of at least €333,333 per proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-03: Preventing NCDs in the area of mental health including actions supporting vulnerable population groups, such as migrants, refugees, Roma people and displaced people from Ukraine - budget of 2.36M € for the financing of a maximum of four proposals with a funding of at least 590,000 € per proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-04: Preventing NCDs in the area of dementia and other neurological disorders - budget of €1M for the financing of a maximum of three proposals with a funding of at least €333,333 per proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-05: Supporting the implementation of the strategic agenda for medical ionising radiation applications (SAMIRA) - organisation of clinical audit campaigns as a tool to improve quality and safety of medical applications of ionising radiation - budget of €1.5M for the financing of a maximum of four proposals with funding of at least €375,000 per proposal.
    • Action grants on mental health challenges for cancer patients and survivors:
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-06: Sub-topic (a): Mental health and Cancer - budget of €8M for the financing of a maximum of seven proposals with funding of at least €1,142,857 per proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-07: Sub-topic (b): European Code for Mental Health - budget of €2M for the financing of a single proposal.
    • Action grants on the safety and quality of new Substances of Human Origin (Breast milk, faecal microbiota transplants)
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-08: Sub-topic (a): Breast milk - budget of €400,000 for the funding of a single proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-09: Sub-topic (b): Faecal microbiotic transplants - budget of €400,000 for the financing of a single proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-10: Action grants on Facilitating Organ Paired Exchange - budget of €600,000 for the financing of a single proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-11: Program on orphan medical devices, in particular targeting paediatric patients - budget of €500,000 for the financing of a maximum of two proposals with a funding of at least €250,000 per proposal.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-12: Action grants to contribute to the organisations of conference and events - budget of €450,000 for the financing of a maximum of three proposals with funding of at least €150,000 per proposal.

Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of at least 3 applicants (beneficiaries; not affiliated entities), which complies with the following conditions: minimum 3 entities from 3 different eligible countries.

Co-funding is 60%.

You can find the specific requirements for each call bellow:

  • EU4H-2023-PJ-01: Scientific societies, academia, health authorities/institutions and NGOs, possibly also SMEs active and experienced in the field of action. Proposals may be submitted on an individual or coordinated basis. Applicants should have documented related experience. 
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-02: Academia and educational institutions, civil society organizations supporting the priority areas (health professional associations, patient organizations, foundations, NGOs and similar entities). 
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-03: Academia and educational institutions, civil society organizations supporting the priority areas (health professional associations, patient organizations, foundations, NGOs and similar entities). Consortia should consist of at least three institutions from different countries, and should include at least one NGO active in the field of mental health, and at least one patient organization active in the field of mental health.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-04: Academia and educational institutions, civil society organizations supporting the priority areas (health professional associations, patient organizations, foundations, NGOs and similar entities).
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-05: Academia (e.g. public health institutes) and educational institutions, research institutes, hospitals, professional societies, competent authorities and established networks in the field of public health. Applications may be submitted by a single applicant or by a consortium.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-06: professional associations, patient organizations, foundations, NGOs and similar entities with expertise in the field of mental health and cancer, academic and educational centers, research institutes, expert networks and established networks in the field of public health, and Member State authorities. Consortia should consist of at least three institutions from different countries, and should include at least one NGO active in the field of cancer and mental health, and at least one patient organization working in the area of cancer or mental health.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-07: professional associations, foundations, NGOs and similar entities with expertise in the field of mental health, academic and educational centers, research institutes, expert networks and established networks in the field of public health, and Member State authorities. Consortia should consist of at least five institutions from different countries, and should include at least one NGO, one patient organization and one public authority working in the field of mental health.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-08: Civil society organizations (associations, foundations, NGOs and related entities) with experience in the field of neonatology. Proposals may be submitted individually or in coordination.  
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-09: Civil society organizations (associations, foundations, NGOs and related entities) with experience in the field of gastroenterology. Proposals may be submitted on an individual or coordinated basis.  
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-10: Member State allocation authorities or offices and professional organizations such as European organ exchange organizations and European professional societies. Proposals may be submitted on an individual or coordinated basis.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-11: scientific societies, academic or research institutions and NGOs, possibly also SMEs with a particular interest and expertise in the field of the action, i.e. development of medical devices, especially for children and/or unmet medical needs. Proposals may be submitted on an individual or coordinated basis.
  • EU4H-2023-PJ-12: Public or non-profit entities with experience in organizing events in the public health domain. Proposals may be submitted on an individual or coordinated basis.

In case of interest, please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.