JPIAMR, The Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance

Announcement "closed"
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Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

JPIAMR will launch in 2023 an international call for projects under the umbrella of JPIAMR and within the framework of the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION.

Through this call, the ERA-NET JPIAMR-ACTION intends to create and reinforce the collaboration between research partners coming from different countries and different fields of expertise to promote research on antimicrobial resistance. The results of the funded projects should contribute to improved understanding, monitoring, detection and mitigation of infection and AMR, or optimisation of antimicrobial use where efforts to curb AMR will have a global impact on human, animal and plant health and food safety and security.


The call Development of innovative strategies, tools, technologies, and methods for diagnostics and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance will follow a two-step evaluation procedure.

16 January 2023 - Call opens

7 March 2023 - Deadline pre-proposals

4 July 2023 - Deadline full proposals


Eligibility rules for the consortia are:

Consortia must include a minimum of three (3) eligible partners asking for funding from three (3) different eligible countries (including at least two amongst EU Member States or Associated Countries).

Consortia should consist of a maximum of six (6) project partners (including non-funded partners). The maximum number of partners can be increased to seven (7) if the consortium includes: a) at least one partner from an under-represented country (including LDCs), b) at least one partner where the Principal Investigator meets the definition of an Early Career Researcher, or c) a company.

For the purpose of this call an Early Career Researcher is a person with up to 8 years after PhD, holding a position at a recognized institution. The eligible extensions of the 8 year period will be listed in the final call text.

The budget of non-funded partners shall not exceed 30% of the requested total transnational project budget requested. Funding is granted for a maximum of three (3) years in accordance with national regulations and applicable legal provisions.


In case of interest, both as possible coordinator or partner,  please click on "m'interessa" and we will contact you.