Erasmus +: Collaborative Partnership for Sport

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


To develop, transfer and/or implement innovative practices in different areas relating to sport and physical activity between various organizations and actors in and outside sport, including in particular public authorities at local, regional, national and European levels, sport organizations, sport-related organizations and educational bodies.


1. Combat doping at grassroots level, notably in recreational environments such as amateur sport and fitness.

2. Support prevention and raise awareness among stakeholders involved in the fight against match-fixing.

3. Support prevention, educational and innovative approaches to tackle violence, racism and intolerance in sport

4. Support the implementation of EU policy documents in the field of sport and other relevant policy areas such as recommendations, guidelines , policy strategies, etc. (e.g. EU Physical Activity Guidelines, EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes, Principles on good governance in sport, etc.)

A particular focus will be put on projects that address grassroots sports.

Eligible activities

Collaborative Partnerships may typically cover a broad range of activities, such as for example:

- networking among key stakeholders;

- identification and sharing of good practices;

- development and implementation of training and educational modules;

- activities to increase the competences of multipliers in the field of sport and to develop  monitoring and benchmarking of indicators, notably as regards the promotion of ethical behaviours and codes of conduct among sportspeople;

- awareness-raising activities on the value of sport and physical activity in relation to the personal, social and professional development of individuals;

- activities to improve the evidence-base of sport to tackle societal and economic challenges;

- activities to promote innovative synergies between the field of sport and the fields of health, education, training and youth;

- conferences, seminars, meetings, events and awareness-raising actions underpinning the aforementioned activities.

Eligible applicants

The following organisations can apply (non-exhaustive list):

- public body in charge of sport at local, regional or national level;

- National Olympic Committee or National Sport confederation;

- sport organisation at local, regional, national, European or international level;

- national sports league;

- sport club;

- organisation or union representing athletes;

- organisation or unions representing professionals and volunteers in sport (such as coaches, managers, etc);

- organisation representing the 'sport for all' movement;

- organisation active in the field of physical activity promotion;

- organisation representing the active leisure sector;

- organisation active in the field of education, training or youth.

Eligible countries

EU, EFTA/EEA countries (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein), EU candidate and acceding countries, neighborhood countries which have concluded agreements with the Union providing for the possibility of their participation in the Union's programmes.

Partnership criteria

The project must involve a minimum of 5 participating organisations from 5 different eligible countries.


The maximum grant awarded to a project is 500.000 euro ad will cover 80% of the project's costs.

Project duration

From 12 to 36 months.

In case of interest, contact to FSJD Research's Department as soon as possible and before 8 May.

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