Grand Challenges Explorations 2014 (Round 13)

Announcement "closed"
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


Grand Challenges Explorations (GCE) supports hundreds of early-stage research projects – including many ideas that have never before been tested – and scientists from a wide range of disciplines and regions. The Explorations initiative funds innovative ideas that could lead to new vaccines, diagnostics, drugs, and other technologies targeting diseases that claim millions of lives every year, as well as improvements and innovations in agriculture development and other Gates Foundation priority areas.

Specific topics

1. New Ways of Working Together: Integrating Community-Based Interventions

2. Explore New Ways to Measure Fetal and Infant Brain Development

3. Inciting Healthy Behaviors: nudge, disrupt, leapfrog, reach

4. Novel Enabling Tools and Models Supporting Development of Interventions for Enteric Dysfunction

5. Innovations in Feedback & Accountability Systems for Agricultural Development

Duration and funding

18 months

100.000 USD

How to apply

Register and complete the following application form:

Attach the document (see below); no more than 2 pages in length. Do not include a cover sheet with your proposal. A cover sheet will be automatically generated from your registration data.

In case of interest, contact before April 29 to FSJD Research Dpt.

Additional Information