2016 Narsad Young Investigator Grant

Announcement "closed"
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


To facilitate innovative opportunities and supports basic, as well as translational and/or clinical investigators, however, research must be relevant to their understanding, treatment and prevention of serious psychiatric disorders as schizophrenia, bipolar, mood and anxiety disorders, or early onset brain and behavior disorders.

The Brain and Behavior Foundation is interested in supporting the full range of relevant neurobiological and psychobiological basic science. They also support clinical grants which can include careful studies using qualitative research approaches or research generating preliminary data to explore a new hypothesis generated by clinical experience or large sample studies.

It also may be possible to attach a study to a clinical project already under way or for which other funding has become available.

Some possibilities for preliminary clinical studies include:

- Support for an add-on study to identify a biomarker in the context of an ongoing clinical trial

- Determining if a computer-based cognitive or other remediation enhances effectiveness of a cognitive agents

- Proof of principle study in a few subjects to see if efficacy is detected with a new treatment

- Testing a novel hypothesis within an already established data set

- Research on productive work outcomes


Applicants must have a doctoral degree and be employed in research training, or be in a faculty research position (pre-doctoral students, first year post-doctoral fellows are not eligible). Applicants must have on-site mentor or senior collaboration who is an established investigator in areas relevant to psychiatric disorders.

Applicants may only apply twice for an initial YI Grant


Up to 35.000 $ per year (maximum two years)

The Foundation does not pay institutional overhead.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted online via www.bbrfoundation.org/YI

Applicants must first complete the online form, and then upload in a single PDF document

- Face Sheet (1 page – please refer to the last page)

- Abstract (less than 500 words)

- Applicant CV (4 pages)

- Proposal (2 pages with no appendices)

- Research Training/Career Plans (half page)

- Budget (1 page, in US $)

- Mentor/Sponsor Letter (1 page for each mentor, max. 2)

- Mentor CV (4 pages or 8 pages if there are two mentors)

- References (1 page, optional)

- Collaborator letter (1 page, optional)

- Institutional Assurance Letter (1 page)

In case of interest, please contact no later of February 17, 2016 with FSJD Research's Department.