AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-01: Developing and implementing local integration strategies through multi-stakeholder partnerships

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:


The objective of the topic is to facilitate the development and implementation of multi- stakeholder local integration strategies encompassing different aspects of the integration process. Consequently, proposals should aim at improving socio-economic inclusion and sense of belonging for migrants in local communities. Moreover, as the exchange of good practices and knowledge across the EU serves these particular objectives, proposals that include improving transnational cooperation between relevant stakeholders in the development and implementation of local integration strategies are encouraged.

Actions: Local integration strategies can be developed by local authorities in urban or suburban areas, small towns or rural areas.

The scope of the local integration strategies should be defined on the basis of and taking into account the local needs, context and administrative structure of communities.

Regarding their content, the local integration strategies do not need to cover all aspects relevant to a comprehensive integration policy; however, they should provide for a relevant local integration framework to tackle pertinent integration challenges, such as housing, integration in the labour market, exchanges between newcomers and the local population, sport and culture.

The proposals should include one or more of the following actions (non-exhaustive list)

  • Consultation activities for the design of the local integration strategy;
  • Trainings, workshops and mutual learning activities;
  • Technical assistance and peer review from members of the partnership for setting up and implementing a local integration strategy;
  • Transfer of knowledge activities between members of the partnership;
  • Awareness raising activities and events;
  • Creation of tools or platforms to facilitate the dissemination of know-how and best practices.


Proposals should focus on contributing to the achievement of the following outcomes:

  • Established sustainable framework at local level for discussion on the development and the implementation of a local integration strategy;
  • Replicable good practices and a methodology for the development and implementation of a local integration strategy that can inspire other local actors across the EU;
  • Improved transnational cooperation between active stakeholders in local integration strategy;
  • Improved socio-economic inclusion and a sense of community at a local level for migrants involved in the project;
  • Increased exchange of experiences, information and best practices on integration at local level;
  • Concrete integration projects and measures implemented at a local level as a result of the exchange of information and experiences between partners of the project.

Total Budget: 7.500.000€


Eligibility criteria

Eligibility of the applicants and co-applicants

All the applicants and co-applicants must fulfil the following eligibility requirements for applications to be eligible. To prove these eligibility requirements, applicants and co- applicants will have to provide the relevant information and upload necessary documents showing their legal status in the Participant Register.

Legal Status

The following entities can apply as lead applicants:

  • Public bodies for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Non-profit-making private entities for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Profit making entities for topic AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-04 and 06,
  • International organisationsfor topic AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-04 and 06. The following entities can apply as co-applicants:
  • Public bodies for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Non-profit-making private entities for all topics of this call for proposals,
  • Profit making entities for topics AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-01, 02, 04 and 06
  • International organisationsfor topics AMIF-2020-AG-CALL-04 and 06. The following are not eligible, neither as applicants nor as co-applicants:
  • Union Agencies,
  • Natural persons.

Affiliated entities, i.e. legal entities having a legal or capital link with applicants, shall take part in the action as individual co-applicants in order to declare eligible costs unless they are affiliated to a public body.

  1. Country of establishment

With the exception of international organisations, applicants and co-applicants must be established in the following countries to be eligible:

  • The Member States of the European Union with the exception of Denmark ("Member States participating in AMIF").

International organisations can be established outside the above-mentioned countries.

(for further information please see:);callCode=null;freeTextSearchKeyword=;matchWholeText=true;typeCodes=0,1,2;statusCodes=31094501,31094502,31094503;programmePeriod=null;programCcm2Id=null;programDivisionCode=null;focusAreaCode=null;geographicalZonesCode=null;programmeDivisionProspect=null;startDateLte=null;startDateGte=null;crossCuttingPriorityCode=null;cpvCode=null;performanceOfDelivery=null;sortQuery=sortStatus;orderBy=asc;onlyTenders=false;topicListKey=topicSearchTablePageState

  1. How to apply:

Proposals must be submitted by the deadline indicated in section 3 via the Electronic Submission System. Open calls are published on the calls for proposals page.

Before submitting a proposal both the applicant and co-applicants must be registered via the Participant Register and obtain the 9-digit Participant Identification Code (PIC) (one for each organisation).

In submitting a proposal, the applicant accepts the procedures and conditions as described in this call for proposals and in the documents to which it refers.

No modification of the application is allowed once the deadline for submission has elapsed. However, if there is a need, the evaluation committee on behalf of the authorising officer may correct obvious clerical errors in application documents upon confirmation of the intended correction by the applicant.

Applicants will be informed in writing about the results of the evaluation process.

  1. Related documents

The following documents are available via the Electronic Submission System:

  • Application form (Submission Form Part A and Part B),
  • Required annex - Audit Report, if applicable,
  • Model Grant Agreement,
  • Guide for Applicants.

For further information please contact wth: sbayes(ELIMINAR)