Ring14 syndrome or Chromosome-14 related syndromes

Announcement "closed"
Ring 14 International
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:
50.000 €

Ring14 International has launched an international Call to solicit research projects on the Ring14 syndrome or Chromosome-14 related syndromes. The call aims to support the fellowship of ONE talented scientist wishing to open a path towards new ways of research on Chromosome-14 related syndromes. As such, preliminary data to apply to this present Call are not strictly required.

The fellow will be awarded for one year salary (renewable for an additional one) with a total budget allocation of 50,000 Euro/year.

Scientists involved in basic research as well as in the pre-clinical field are allowed to submit an application: the applications will be subjected to a peer-review process.


  • young investors or early career scientists are encouraged to apply
  • some priority domains have been identified as the basis of this Call:
    • Genetic heterogeneity of the Ring14 syndrome (i.e. studies on transcriptomic, methylation profiling, multivariate expression of candidate genes, chromosomal "hotspot" breakpoints,...)
    • Immunological or neurological aspects (such as Epilepsy)
    • Long-read screenings to improve diagnostic procedures
    • Clinical studies (i.e. exploring the "compassionate" use of antiepileptic drugs).


Funds are raised through small individual donations, therefore Ring14 International recognizes a special responsibility to oversee an appropriate allocation of funds. The budget availability is € 50.000 (fifty thousand Euro).


In order to be eligible for funding, the Applicant:

  • must be employed by a non-profit research institution (either public or private are eligible): to hold a permanent position is not mandatory
  • has to be supported by a commitment of a scientific Mentor (only if he/she does not own his/her independent lab) and his/her Hosting Institution
  • has a Ph.D. in biomedical sciences, or equivalent degree.

Eligible Applicants are required to be competitive at the international level:

  • have published at least three first-author original papers in peer-reviewed international scientific journals
  • demonstrate evidence of full independence in the planning and execution of the research program.

Please note:

  • there are no citizenship restrictions
  • the holder of a grant obtained by Ring14 International in the past is not eligible for the present Call.

For further information, please visit us on our website or contact us by email: info@ring14.org.

In case of interest, please contact with FSJD Research Foundation.