EFIS-Meeting Support

Announcement "closed"
European Federation of Immunological Societies
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

EFIS and the European Journal of Immunology (EJI) are proud to offer financial support for immunology-themed meetings, workshops and schools that are organized in Europe and are international in nature.

Specifically, through its support, EFIS aims to enhance interaction between young scientists and established immunologists, providing funding to be used as travel bursaries to award to eligible and deserving junior researchers who, in many cases, would be unable to attend quality immunology-themed events without such support.


Proponents should bear in mind that high scientific caliber, strong European dimension, attention to the participation of young scientists, and appropriate gender balance are criteria on which the EFIS Board bases its selection of meetings to sponsor. Moreover, organizers must clearly justify that - without EFIS/EJI support - they would be unable to award travel bursaries.

Annual meetings of Member Societies are not eligible for support (EFIS Affiliates may, however, apply for the EFIS-IL Lecture Award).

This funding scheme is available exclusively to meeting/event organizers, not to meeting participants seeking funds to attend an event.



Please provide all required information - cover letter, provisional program and budget of anticipated revenues and expenses - in the application form:



In case of interest, please contact with Research Management Department until 05th September 2020.