FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2015 - The Human Brain Project

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

Objectiu de la convocatòria

The FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call (JTC) 2019 supports research projects in synergy with the two FET Flagships, the Graphene Flagship and the Human Brain Project. It is designed to expand the current Flagships with new research contributing to the Flagship objectives in selected areas. New researchers and researchers already in the Flagships are equally eligible. Selected projects are expected to be integrated in the Flagships as Partnering Projects.


Característiques principals

Human Brain Project Areas:
1. Development and maturation of cognitive processes and multisensory integration at micro- and macro-scales
2. The role of neurotransmitter systems in human cognition
3. Subcortical structures: from cognition to action
4. The neuroscience of decision-making
5. Studies on biological deep learning and combined declarative and working memory
6. Disease modelling and simulation
7. Single cell RNA sequencing of human and mouse brain
8. Predictive neuroinformatics: A trans-species approach
9. Testing neuronal models at multiple scales
10. Automated construction and analysis of models of neurons and networks
11. Reconstruction of neuronal morphology from microscopic image data
12. Neuron data format standardization



Consortia must be international and must involve at least:

  • Three partners requesting funding from three different participating countries
  • Two partners requesting funding from two different participating countries and partner from another country securing its own funding as a Flagship Core Project partner.
    In both cases, partners requesting funding may be Flagship Core Project members.
    In any case, the consortium coordinator must be a partner requesting funding (and be eligible for funding) from an organisation participating in the call.
    The eligibility criteria for partners are specific to their respective National and Regional Funding Organisations.
    For Spain:
    Spain participates in the call with 3 funding organisations: AEI, ISCIII and IDEPA. Please note that HSJD/PSSJD is eligible through ISCIII and should follow ISCIII's eligibility and funding rules (please see pages 34-36 of the Call Announcement.



    The funding depends on national/regional rules. For Spanish entities funded by ISCIII:
    Budget Mio €:


  • Up to 100,000 € per partner (overheads included), or
  • up to 175,000 € per coordinator (overheads included).


    Informació addicional

    Participating countries: HBP (Basic and applied research: BE, BG, EE, ES, FR, GR, HU, IL, IT, LT, LV, NL, RO, SI, SK, TR


    Convocatòria (URL)
