JPND call for proposals: "Multinational research projects on Personalised Medicine for Neurodegenerative Diseases"

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

Objectiu de la convocatòria

The EU Joint Programme on Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND) was established in order to better coordinate research efforts across countries and disciplines to more rapidly find causes, develop cures and identify better ways to care for people with neurodegenerative disease. The JPND Research Strategy, published in 2012, identified research priorities and provided a framework for future investment.


Característiques principals

This call, launched in partnership with the European Commission, invites proposals for ambitious, innovative, multinational and multidisciplinary collaborative research projects to change the trajectory of these debilitating diseases through the development of Precision Medicine approaches.

Proposals can apply when focussing on one or several of the following neurodegenerative diseases:

• Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias • Parkinson’s disease and PD‐related disorders

• Prion diseases

• Motor neuron diseases

• Huntington’s disease

• Spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA)

• Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)


Proposals submitted under this call will have to include one or several of the research areas listed below:

- Diagnosis

- Prevention

- Care



Each proposal must involve a minimum of three and a maximum of six regular partners from at least three different countries participating in this call. If the proposal involves at least one regular partner from an underrepresented European country (Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey), the maximum number of regular partners is extended to seven partners. For reasons of transnational balance, no more than two regular partners from the same country are allowed to join a proposal.

In addition, external collaborators (e.g., research groups from countries that are not participating in this call or research groups that do not apply for funding) may participate in proposals. External collaborators must be able to secure their own funding.

Whilst proposals are to be submitted jointly by research groups from different countries, individual regular partners will be funded by the corresponding funding organisation participating in this call. In consequence, eligibility for funding is decided by the respective funding organisations and details of what may or may not be funded are subject to the specific regulations of these funding organisations and thus may vary.

Therefore, applicants are strongly advised to follow the instructions contained in the country-specific eligibility annex.



Form Spanish participants:

  • Up to 100.000 € per partner (overheads included)
  • Up to 175.000 € per coordinator (overheads included)



    3 years




    Submission of proposals follows a two-stage procedure:

  • Pre-proposals must be submitted no later than 15:00h C.E.T. on March 12, 2019
  • Full proposals must be submitted no later than 15:00h C.E.S.T. on June 25, 2019

    Convocatòria (URL)
    Electronic proposal:


    Please contact to confirm eligibility matters before submitting an application.