Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Prizes 2018

Announcement "closed"
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

The Brain & Behavior Research Foundation recognizes outstanding research leadership and contributions to mental health research with a number of annual prizes:

Lieber Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Schizophrenia Research

The Lieber Prize is an award of $50,000 given to an outstanding scientist carrying out work relevant to the causes, pathophysiology, treatment or the prevention of schizophrenia. The scientist to be recognized will be one who gives particular promise for advancing our understanding of schizophrenia, or of basic brain mechanisms in schizophrenia.

The nomination should include a 200-250 word summary describing your nominee's major discoveries along with the candidate's NIH Biosketch (5 pages) and list of most important publications (maximum of 10).

Please e-mail this as one single PDF document labeled ", 2017 Lieber Schizophrenia Prize".

Goldman-Rakic Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Cognitive Neuroscience

The Goldman-Rakic Prize is an award of $40,000 and an honorary lecture at Yale University. The award is specifically for excellence in neurobiological research at the cellular, physiological and behavioral levels that may lead to a greater understanding of underlying cognitive neuroscience or psychiatric disease.

The nomination must include a brief summary of 200 words maximum describing your nominee's major contributions along with the candidate's brief curriculum vitae and a list of most important publications in an NIH style format totaling no more than five pages.

Please e-mail your nomination as one single PDF document labeling the nominee's last name and first name: "< insert Last name>, 2017 Goldman-Rakic Prize."

Colvin Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Mood Disorders Research

The Colvin Prize is an award of $50,000 given to an outstanding scientist carrying out work on the causes, pathophysiology, treatment, or prevention of bipolar illness. The scientist to be recognized is one who gives particular promise for advancing our understanding of affective illness or its basic brain mechanisms that will lead to new treatment approaches.

The nomination must include the name and a short note describing the nature of the contribution for which the investigator was primarily responsible and its significance to the field. It should be sent to the address below:

Ruane Prize for Outstanding Achievement in Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Research

The Ruane Prize is a prize of $50,000 given by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation to an outstanding scientist carrying out research on the causes, pathophysiology, treatment or prevention of severe child psychiatric illness. The scientist to be recognized is one who gives particular promise for advancing our understanding of psychotic, affective or other severe psychiatric disorders having their onset in childhood or adolescence.

Please forward the name along with a short note describing the nature of the contribution for which the investigator was primarily responsible, and its significance to the field together with a copy of the individual's CV in one single PDF File.

In case of interest, please contact with Research Department before May 2nd 2018.

Apart from Colvin Prize, the nomination of the rest of the projects should be sent by e-mail to Ms. Sho Tin Chen, Research Grants Director at

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