H2020-SC1-Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Announcement "closed"
European Commission
Internal deadline:
Official deadline:

Convocatoria de 2018 para el Reto Social 1 -Salud- de Horizonte 2020 (H2020)

La Comisión europea (CE) ha abierto ya la convocatoria en el Reto Social 1: Salud,  para 2018, una vez que han sido publicados los Programas de Trabajo para el periodo 2018-2020.

Acceda a las convocatorias para el Reto Social 1 aquí: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2018-2020/main/h2020-wp1820-health_en.pdf

Las fechas límite para el envío de propuestas de 2018 varían según los topics.

Toda la información sobre cómo participar en: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/home.html


Relación de topics (información orientativa):

Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems

Priority 1.1 Personalised medicine


  • SC1-BHC-03-2018: Exploiting research outcomes and application potential of the human microbiome for personalised prediction, prevention and treatment of disease (10-15 M€/proyecto 3-5 Proyectos – total 50 M€
  • SC1-BHC-04-2018: Rare Disease European Joint Programme Cofund (50 M€/Proyecto; 1 Proyecto – total 50 M€
  • SC1-BHC-05-2018: International flagship collaboration with Canada for human data storage, integration and sharing to enable personalised medicine approaches (4-6 M€/proyecto; 6-10 proyectos – total 40 M€
  • SC1-HCO-01-2018-2019-2020: Actions in support of the International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (1,5-2M€; 3 proyectos – total 8 M€ – 1 proyecto/año)
  • SC1-HCO-02-2018: Data integration and data-driven in-silico models for enabling personalised medicine – a European standardization framework (1,5-2 M€; 1 proyecto – total 2 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-04-2018: ERA-NET to support the Joint Programming in Neurodegenerative Diseases strategic plan (JPND) (4-5 M€; 1 proyecto – total 5 M€)


Priority 1.2 Innovative health and care industry

  • SC1-BHC-09-2018: Innovation platforms for advanced therapies of the future (12-15M€; 4-5 proyectos – total 50 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-05-2018: Strengthening regulatory sciences and supporting regulatory scientific advice (1,5-2M€; 1 Proyecto – total 2 M€)


Priority 1.3 Infectious diseases and improving global health

  • SC1-BHC-15-2018: New anti-infective agents for prevention and/or treatment of neglected infectious diseases (NID) (5-10 M€; 5-10 proyectos – total 52 M€) (lump sum pilot)
  • SC1-BHC-16-2018: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD) – Scaling-up of evidence-based health interventions at population level for the prevention, detection, and management of hypertension and/or diabetes (2-4 M€; 5-10 proyectos – total 20 M€)
  • SC1-BHC-18-2018: Translational collaborative cancer research between Europe and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) (2-4M€; 6-12 proyectos – total 25 M€)
  • SC1-BHC-21-2018: Research on HIV, tuberculosis and/or hepatitis C in patients with mono-, co-infections or comorbidities in the contest of fostering collaboration with the RUSSIAN FEDERATION (2-4 M€; 2-5 proyectos – total 10 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-06-2018: Establishment of an International Network of Social Sciences Research Centres to help address governance and other challenges in the preparedness for and the response to infectious threats (2-3 M€; 1 proyecto – total 3 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-08-2018: Creation of a European wide sustainable clinical research network for infectious diseases (2-3M€; 1 proyecto – total 3 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-09-2018: Building international efforts on population and patient cohorts (1-2 M€; 1 proyecto – total 2 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-10-2018: Coordinating European brain research and developing global initiatives (1-2 M€; 1 proyecto – total 2 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-11-2018: Strategic collaboration in health  research and innovation between EU and China (0,8-1 M€; 1 proyecto – total 1 M€)


Priority 1.4 Innovative health and care systems – Integration of care

  • SC1-BHC-23-2018: Novel patient-centred approaches for survivorship, palliation and/or end-of-life care (3-4 M€; 11-14 proyectos – total 44 M€)
  • SC1-BHC-26-2018: HTA research to support evidence-based healthcare (5-10 M€; 1-2 proyectos – total 10 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-12-2018: Innovation in health care – a CSA towards using pre-commercial procurement and public procurement of innovative solutions in health care systems (1,5-2 M€; 1 proyecto – total 2 M€)


Priority 1.5 Decoding the role of the environment for health and well-being

  • SC1-BHC-27-2018: New testing and screening methods to identify endocrine disrupting chemicals (4-6 M€; 8-12 proyectos – total 52 M€)
  • SC1-HCO-13-2018: Setting the priorities for a European environment, climate and health research agenda (2-3 M€; 1 proyecto – total 3 M€)


Digital Transformation in Health and Care

  • SC1-DTH-03-2018: Adaptive smart working and living environments supporting active and healthy ageing (3-4 M€; 6-8 proyectos – total 25 M€)
  • SC1-DTH-07-2018: Exploiting the full potential of in-silico medicine research for personalised diagnostics and therapies in cloud-based environments (10-15 M€; 2-3 proyectos – total 35 M€)
  • SC1-DTH-08-2018: Prototyping a European interoperable Electronic Health Record (HER) exchange (6–10 M€; 3-5 proyectos – total 30 M€)
  • SC1-HCC-01-2018: Supporting investment in smart living environments for ageing well through certification (1 M €; 1 proyecto – total 1 M€)
  • SC1-HCC-03-2018: Support to further development of international cooperation in digital transformation of health and care (2 M€; 1 proyecto – total 2 M€)
  • SC1-HCC-04-2018: Digital health and care services – support for strategy and (early) adoption (3 M€; 1 proyecto – total 3 M€)
  • SC1-HCC-05-2018: Support to a Digital Health and Care Innovation initiative in the context of Digital Single Market strategy (4 M€; 1 proyecto – total 4 M€)


Trusted digital solutions and Cybersecurity in Health and Care

  • SU-TDS-02-2018: Toolkit for assessing and reducing cyber risks in hospitals and care centres to protect privacy/data/infrastructures (3-5 M€; 7-12 proyectos – total 35 M€)
  • SU-TDS-03-2018: Raising awareness and developing training schemes on cybersecurity in hospitals (1 M€; 1 proyecto – total 1 M€)


Otros programas


Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials, Biotechnology, and Advanced Manufacturing and Processing

  • NMBP-21-2018: Custom-made biological scaffolds for specific tissue regeneration and repair
  • NMBP-22-2018: Osteo-articular tissues regeneration


Sustainable Food Security

  • SFS-16-2018 Towards more healthy and sustainable food