Medical Technologies: Computer Graphics: Serious Games and Gamification

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Centre de Recerca en Enginyeria Biomèdica (CREB) UPC

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Our research group is made up of a team of engineers specialised in the construction, analysis and visualisation of models from 3D images with the aim of applying them to the diagnosis, planning and simulation of medical interventions.

Scientific objectives

  1. To develop new training on the use of the extracorporeal pump using serious gaming technology in collaboration with the Hospital Clínic Barcelona
    1. To validate the current training programme
    2. To develop new training to incorporate critical situations, such as pump assembly
  2. To approach attention deficit and learning disorders with games
    1. To publish the results obtained in collaboration with the Mental Health Unit of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital.
    2. To carry out a larger-scale study over a longer period of time
  3. To develop serious game training for a wide range of work skills for young people with intellectual disabilities (Accessibility Chairs, Indra Foundation Universia)
    1. To disseminate the results of the project
    2. To carry out a large-scale validation study
    3. To publish the results
  4. To develop a serious game to evaluate cognitive impairment, Smart Ageing (in collaboration with CBIM, Italy)
    1. To update the game and proceed with the validation study
  5. To develop a serious game for training on diabetes (in collaboration with the Endocrinology Unit of the SJD Barcelona Children's Hospital)
    1. To update the game
    2. To carry out a study with patients
  6. To create a platform to monitor children with neurodevelopmental disorders (BrainAlly) in collaboration with the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM)
    1. To integrate the various tools developed: BrainAlly Game, BrainAlly Diary and BrainAlly Vis
    2. To develop the BrainAllyAnalytics data analysis module
    3. To validate BrainAlly Game
    4. To include four additional tasks in the game and validate them
  7. ThT gamification of Yalom's Therapeutic Factors for group dynamics.
    1. To extend the validation of the test
    2. To implement an on-line version of the test

Area/Field of expertise

This line of research focuses on the conception, design, implementation and validation of serious games with four main objectives: (1) learning, both academically in the classroom for children and, more specifically, learning to manage chronic diseases for patients and their families, (2) the screening of cognitive abilities in children and adults, (3) cognitive or functional rehabilitation through or encouraged by play and (4) professional training in medicine on the handling of complex devices (e.g. extracorporeal system) or following protocols (e.g. sedation). This research integrates the design/evaluation of gamification strategies that would facilitate the use of certain evaluation tests (e.g. Yalom's Therapeutic Factors) or adherence to certain health or sport related applications (on PC, web or mobile) such as electronic diaries for tracking medication, mood or pain.

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    Marimon Serra, Xavier
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