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  • Valls-Esteve A, García RI, Bellmunt A, Eguiraun H, Jauregui I, Del Amo C, Adell NE, Krauel L and Munuera-del Cerro JL.

    Point-of-care additive manufacturing: state of the art and adoption in Spanish hospitals during pre to post COVID-19 era.

    3D Printing in Medicine . 10(1): 43-43.


  • Adell NE, Valls-Ontañón A, Malet-Contreras A, García-Piñeiro A, Gómez-Chiari M, Valls-Esteve A, Krauel L and Rubio-Palau J.

    Analysis of the implementation of a circuit for intra-operative superposition and comparison of the surgical outcomes using ICBCT in maxillofacial surgery



  • Valls-Ontañón A, Malet-Contreras A, Peralta-Amores F, Adell NE, Flores C, Calonge W, Gómez-Chiari M, Valls-Esteve A and Rubio-Palau J.

    An updated protocol for mandibular reconstruction in nongrowing patients with craniofacial microsomia with temporomandibular joint total prosthesis



  • Nieva G, Agulló N, Grande-Molina M, Adell NE, Tarrado X, Calvo-Duarte L, Valls-Esteve A, Krauel L, Fenollosa-Artés F, Teixidó R and Borròs S.

    Developing tuneable viscoelastic silicone gel-based inks for precise 3D printing of clinical phantoms

    Materials Advances . 5(9): 3706-3720. Number of citations: 2


  • Valls-Esteve A, Tejo-Otero A, Adell NE, Lustig-Gainza P, Fenollosa-Artés F, Buj-Corral I, Rubio-Palau J, Munuera-del Cerro JL and Krauel L.

    Advanced Strategies for the Fabrication of Multi-Material Anatomical Models of Complex Pediatric Oncologic Cases

    BIOENGINEERING-BASEL . 11(1): . Number of citations: 2


  • Engli M, Adell NE, Marturià G, Munuera-del Cerro JL and Valls-Esteve A.

    Soluble vs Non-Soluble Support Materials for Bone 3D Printed Anatomical Models: A Comparison on Production Time, Cost and Finish Quality

    Key Engineering Materials . 958: 13-20.


  • Valls-Esteve A, Adell NE, Pasten A, Barber-Martínez de la Torre I, Munuera-del Cerro JL and Krauel L.

    Exploring the Potential of Three-Dimensional Imaging, Printing, and Modeling in Pediatric Surgical Oncology: A New Era of Precision Surgery

    CHILDREN-BASEL . 10(5): 832. Number of citations: 13


  • Cristobal Langdon Montero, Hinojosa J, Munuera-del Cerro JL, Gómez-Chiari M, Haag OH, Veneri A, Valldeperes A, Valls-Esteve A, Adell NE, Santamaria V, Cruz-Martínez O and Morales-La Madrid A.

    3D printing as surgical planning and training in pediatric endoscopic skull base surgery-Systematic review and practical example

    INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY . 168: 111543-111543. Number of citations: 8


  • Valls-Esteve A, Lustig-Gainza P, Adell NE, Tejo-Otero A, Engli M, Julian-Alvarez E, Navarro-Sureda O, Fenollosa-Artés F, Rubio-Palau J, Krauel L and Munuera-del Cerro JL.

    A state-of-the-art guide about the effects of sterilization processes on 3D-printed materials for surgical planning and medical applications: A comparative study

    International Journal of Bioprinting . 9(5): 145-165. Number of citations: 13


  • Rubio-Palau J, Gonçalves J, Malet-Contreras A, Adell NE, Arenas T, Calonge W, Valls-Esteve A and Valls-Ontañón A.

    In-House Virtual Planning and 3D Printed Surgical Guides for Reconstructive Rhinoplasty.

    AESTHET SURG J . : .
