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  • Barrue C, Vila R, Martínez-Velasco A, Martin M, Vazquez-Salceda J, Simó R, Barroso M and Cortes U.

    DIALCAT: Diabetes as an accelerator of cognitive impairement and Alzheimer's disease, comprehensive approach and adherence to treatment

    Computacion y Sistemas . 23(2): 351-363.


  • Ballesteros, J, Urdiales, C, Martínez-Velasco A and Ramos-Jimenez, G.

    A Biomimetical Dynamic Window Approach to Navigation for Collaborative Control

    IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS . 47(6): 1123-1133. Number of citations: 26


  • Ballesteros J, Urdiales C, Martínez-Velasco A and van Dieën JH.

    On Gait Analysis Estimation Errors Using Force Sensors on a Smart Rollator.

    SENSORS . 16(11): . Number of citations: 13
