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  • Barjau A and Batlle, JA.

    Predicting impact scenarios of a rimless wheel: a geometrical approach

    NONLINEAR DYNAMICS . 110(4): 3209-3227. Number of citations: 3


  • Barjau A, Herranz, Juan and Dehning, Bernd.

    Dynamical Models of a Wire Scanner

    J VIB ACOUST . 138(5): .


  • Herranz, Juan, Barjau A and Dehning, Bernd.

    Vibration measurements of a wire scanner - Experimental setup and models

    MECH SYST SIGNAL PR . 70-71: 974-994. Number of citations: 1


  • Barjau A, Batlle JA and Font-Llagunes JM.

    Combining vibrational linear-by-part dynamics and kinetic-based decoupling of the dynamics for multiple elastoplastic smooth impacts

    MULTIBODY SYSTEM DYNAMICS . 35(3): 233-256.