Search publications


  • Marien Cristina Narvaez Dorado, Salazar M and Aranda J.

    Assessment of Gait Patterns during Crutch Assisted Gait through Spatial and Temporal Analysis.

    SENSORS . 24(11): .


  • Balcaza VG, Bosman DF, Badal A, von Barnekow A, O'Connor U, Camp A, Aranda J, Ginjaume-Egido M and Duch MA.

    PyMCGPU-IR Monte Carlo code test for occupational dosimetry.

    RADIATION PROTECTION DOSIMETRY . 199(8-9): 730-735. Number of citations: 1


  • López-Larraz E, Trincado-Alonso F, Rajasekaran V, Pérez-Nombela S, Del-Ama AJ, Aranda J, Minguez J, Gil-Agudo A and Montesano L.

    Control of an Ambulatory Exoskeleton with a Brain-Machine Interface for Spinal Cord Injury Gait Rehabilitation

    FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE . 10: 359-359. Number of citations: 96


  • Rajasekaran, Vijaykumar, Aranda J and Casals-Gelpi A.

    User Intention Driven Adaptive Gait Assistance Using a Wearable Exoskeleton

    advances in intelligent systems and computing . 418: 289-301. Number of citations: 4
