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  • Planas-Roman S, Salvador-Marcos N, Lavarino C, Zuccarino F, Pereda D, Muñoz JP and Aurensanz E.

    Hamartoma of mature cardiac myocytes presenting as a polypoid epicardial tumor in the interatrial groove and with gene fusions by copy number anomalies of chromosome 7

    CARDIOVASCULAR PATHOLOGY . 73: 107660-107660. Number of citations: 1


  • Aurensanz E, Pérez-Casares A, Muñoz JP, Garcia P, Zuccarino F and Sanchez deToledo J.

    Acute myocarditis with transient myocardial thickening in two oncologic patients treated with anti-GD2 immunotherapy

    ESC heart failure . 10(3): 2090-2093. Number of citations: 1


  • Garcia P, Isabel-Roquero A, Aurensanz E, Valls-Esteve A, Miguel FA, Ormazabal D, Llanos F and Sanchez deToledo J.

    Machine Learning-Based Systems for the Anticipation of Adverse Events After Pediatric Cardiac Surgery

    Frontiers in pediatrics . 10: 930913-930913. Number of citations: 6


  • Sarquella-Brugada G, Algarrada L, Zambrano MD, Fernández-Falgueres A, Sailer S, César-Díaz S, Sebastiani G, Martí-Almor J, Aurensanz E, Cruzalegui JC, Merchan EF, Coll M, Pérez-Serra A, Del Olmo B, Fiol JV, Iglesias A, Ferrer-Costa C, Puigmulé M, Lopez L, Pico F, Arbelo E, Jordà P, Brugada-Terradellas J, Brugada R and Campuzano O.

    Early Identification of Prolonged QT Interval for Prevention of Sudden Infant Death

    Frontiers in pediatrics . 9: 704580-704580. Number of citations: 5


  • Aurensanz E, Pérez-Casares A, Frontera PR, Caffarena-Calvar JM and Sanchez deToledo J.

    Finding the Optimal Timing for Repair of Standard Tetralogy of Fallot: Analysis of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance and Echocardiography Parameters Related to Intermediate Term Outcomes in a Pediatric Population

    PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY . 42(6): 1324-1333. Number of citations: 2
