Carles Mas Moruno


Carles Mas Moruno has a PhD in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona since 2009.

He was a visiting researcher at Harvard Medical School Boston, USA, in 2007. After taking his doctorate, he undertook a postdoctoral research residency at the Technische Universität München (TUM) in Munich, Germany, between 2009 and 2011 during the who also served as Project Team Leader of the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) of the same university.

He is Ramón y Cajal Researcher and professor at the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

His research focuses on the biofunctioning of surfaces to develop multifunctional biomaterials for applications in regenerative medicine. His interests address three main lines of research: The production of adhesive and antibacterial surfaces combining topographical and chemical signals, the development of new methodologies and multifunctional coatings, and the design and synthesis of peptidomimetics for binding to integrins and growth factors for such To study the signaling between these two receptors and to develop osteogenic materials.

He is currently Principal Investigator of two projects: "Biomimetic multifunctional surfaces: a novel biomolecular strategy to direct cell function in regenerative therapies (MIMESIS)" (MAT2017-83905-R) and "Novel chemical coatings in surface science: towards multifunctional biomaterials for regenerative medicine "(RYC-2015-18566).

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