Maria Isabel Núñez Peña
Research group
Research line:
Numerical cognition and anxiety to mathematics
The researcher María Isabel Núñez Peña graduated in Psychology in 1991 from the University of Barcelona and obtained her PhD in Psychology from the same university in 2001.
She joined the UB as associate professor in 1994, since 2007 she held the position of associate professor and since 2019 she is Professor of Research Designs in the Department of Social Psychology and Quantitative Psychology.
She is currently leading the line of research in Numerical Cognition and Anxiety to Mathematics, where she studies the cognitive mechanisms involved in the processing of numerical information and the deficits that people with anxiety to mathematics have in those mechanisms.
She has been the main researcher in three research projects funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, as well as participating in 14 other projects funded. As a result of these projects, she has published 26 articles in journals indexed in JCR.
Last Publications
- Nunez MI and Campos-Rodríguez C Response inhibition deficits in math-anxious individuals. ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES . 1540(1): 200-210.
- Nunez MI and Campos-Rodríguez C Response monitoring in math-anxious individuals in an arithmetic task BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY . 186: 108759-108759.
- González-Gómez, B, Colomé, A and Nunez MI Math anxiety and attention: Biased orienting to math symbols or less efficient attentional control? CURRENT PSYCHOLOGY . 43(7): 6533-6548.