Hans Supèr
Research group
Hans Supèr got his PhD in University of Barcelona in 1996. He became Senior Postdoc in the Netherlands Opthtalmic Research Institute in 1999.
He is an ICREA Research Professor in University of Barcelona since 2005. Since 2008 he is also Director of Unit ACAP ((Unitat d'Avaluació de la Cognició, l'Atenció i Aprenentatge) of the Psychology Clinic of the University of Barcelona.
Since 2016 he is an invited member of Recerca Sant Joan de Déu. He is the Co-founder and CTO Braingaze S.L. Braingaze, a spin-off from the University of Barcelona that offers innovative eye tracking technology for diagnostic purposes. He is the Founder-Director of the VISCA lab.
His current research is based on investigating the role of eye vergence movements (Cognitive Vergence) in cognitive processing, being attention, figure-ground perception, memory, of visual information.
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Last Publications
- Solé Puig M, Bustos Valenzuela P, Romeo A and Super H A Pilot Study to Improve Cognitive Performance and Pupil Responses in Mild Cognitive Impaired Patients Using Gaze-Controlled Gaming. Vision (Switzerland) . 8(2): .
- Romeo A, Leonovych O, Solé Puig M and Super H Cognitive Vergence Recorded with a Webcam-Based Eye-Tracker during an Oddball Task in an Elderly Population SENSORS . 24(3): .
- Romeo A and Super H Spiking model of fixational eye movements and figure-ground segmentation NETWORK-COMPUTATION IN NEURAL SYSTEMS . 33(1-2): 143-166.