Georgia Sarquella Brugada

Georgia Sarquella Brugada

Jefe de Grupo

Research line:

Pediatric arrhythmias, genetic cardiology and sudden death

Georgia Sarquella-Brugada graduated in Medicine in 2001 from the University of Barcelona and obtained her Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Barcelona in 2015. She has a master's degree in pediatric cardiology from the University of Barcelona, ​​a pediatric electrophysiology master's degree from the University of Alcalà; and postgraduate degree in Medical Genetics from the University of Valencia and Familial Heart Diseases from the Menéndez Pelayo University.

Between 2007 and 2009 she did a fellowship at the Hôspital Sainte Justine in Montréal, Canada and from 2009 to 2011 at the necker Enfants Malades in Paris.

Since 2012 she has been a professor at the University of Girona and coordinator of the European Network of Rare Cardiac Diseases in Pediatrics.

In 2011 she joined the Cardiology service as an assistant and since 2015 she has been Head of the Arrhythmia Unit at Hospital Sant Joan de Déu.

She currently leads the research group on pediatric arrhythmias, genetic cardiology and sudden death and how to apply this knowledge in personalized therapies in patients with genetic diseases.

Professional network profiles

Last Publications

  • Conte G, Bergonti M, Probst V, Morita H, Tfelt-Hansen J, Behr ER, Kengo K, Arbelo E, Crotti L, Sarquella-Brugada G, Wilde AAM, Calò L, Sarkozy A, de Asmundis C, Mellor G, Migliore F, Letsas K, Vicentini A, Levinstein M, Berne P, Chen SA, Veltmann C, Biernacka EK, Carvalho P, Kabawata M, Sojema K, Gonzalez MC, Tse G, Thollet A, Svane J, Caputo ML, Scrocco C, Kamakura T, Pardo LF, Lee S, Juárez CK, Martino A, Lo LW, Monaco C, Reyes-Quintero ÁE, Martini N, Oezkartal T, Klersy C, Brugada-Terradellas J, Schwartz PJ, Brugada P, Belhassen B and Auricchio A aTrial arrhythmias in inhEriTed aRrhythmIa Syndromes: results from the TETRIS study Europace . 26(12): .
  • Martínez-Barrios E, Greco A, Cruzalegui JC, César-Díaz S, Nuria Díez Escuté, Patricia Cerralbo Martín, Chipa F, Zschaeck-Luzardo I, Slanovic L, Mangas A, Toro R, Brugada-Terradellas J, Sarquella-Brugada G and Campuzano O Interpreting the actionable clinical role of rare variants associated with short QT syndrome HUMAN GENETICS . 143(12): 1499-1508.
  • Bazan V, Arana E, Rubio-Campal JM, Calvo D, Álvarez Acosta L, Hernández Afonso J, Ramos Ardanaz P, Peñafiel Verdú P, Cano Calabria LR, Barrera Cordero A, Díaz Infante E, Cózar León R, Lozano Granero VC, Martínez Sande JL, Moya Mitjans À, Rodríguez Entem F, Salgado Aranda R, Gil Ortega I, Cabanas Grandío P, Alcalde Rodriguez Ó, García Fernández FJ, Sarquella-Brugada G, Castro Urda V, Fidalgo Andrés ML, Durán Guerrero JM, Mazuelos Bellido F, Rubio Caballero JA, Pérez Roselló V, Cabrera Ramos M, Rubio Campal JM, Porta Sánchez A, Hidalgo Olivares VM, Rubín López JM, Jiménez López J, Grande Morales CE, Fernández Gómez JM, Jiménez Candil J, Moreno Garrido R, Rodríguez Muñoz D, Vázquez Esmorís I, Ibáñez Criado JL, Ibáñez Criado A, Arcocha Torres MF, Bastos Amador P, Elices Teja J, Pavón Jiménez R, Martín Sánchez G, Benezet Mazuecos J, Arce León A, Quesada Dorador A, Mendoza Lemes H, Herreros Guilarte B, Osca Asensi J, Datino Romaniega T, Sarrias A, Ferrer Hita JJ, Lozano Herrera JM, Ángel Arias M, Rivas Gandara N, Sánchez Borque P, García Cuenca E, Bochard Villanueva B, Alonso Fernández P, Valverde André I, Moraleda Salas MT, Sandín Fuentes MG, Pastor Fuentes A, Portales Fernández J, Ruiz Hernández PM, Guasch Casany E, Pedrote A, Asso Abadía A, Guerra Ramos JM, Anguera I, Cantalapierda J, Sainz Godoy Í, Domínguez Mafé E, Rodriguez Font E, Martí Almor J, Moreno Arribas J, Merino Llorens JL, Bertomeu González V, Benito Martín EM, Mosquera Pérez I, Álvarez López M, Peláez González A, Jiménez Díaz FJ, Saurí Ortiz A, Luque Lezcano AÓ, Segura Villalobos F, Almendral Garrote J, Salvador Montañés Ó, González Ferrer JJ, Gómez Pulido F, Peinado Peinado R, Fabregat Andrés Ó, Arenal Á, Moreno S and Del Castillo ÁM Spanish catheter ablation registry. 23rd official report of the Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2023) REVISTA ESPANOLA DE CARDIOLOGIA . 77(12): 1026-1036.
More Publications


Project name:
Monitorització remota cardíaca de pacients pediàtrics. Impacte social, mediambiental i de salut.
Georgia Sarquella Brugada
Funding entities:
Starting - finishing date:
2023 - 2024
Project name:
Creación de un programa personalizado de actividad física dirigida para deportistas de competición diagnosticados de un síndrome hereditario asociado a muerte súbita (PAC-SAMS).
Georgia Sarquella Brugada
Funding entities:
Fundació Privada per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu - FSJD, Consejo Superior de Deportes, Martínez Barrios, Estefanía
Starting - finishing date:
2023 - 2023
Project name:
Identificación de predictores de arritmias cardiacas y muerte súbita en pacientes pediatricos afectos de enfermedades neuromusculares
Georgia Sarquella Brugada
Funding entities:
Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
Starting - finishing date:
2022 - 2026
More projects


  • Detecting long QT syndrome early could help reduce the impact of sudden infant death

    A team led by Dra. Georgia Sarquella (IRSJD) and Drs. Ramon Brugada and Oscar Campuzano (IDIBGI) provide new diagnostic measures to prevent sudden infant death from long QT syndrome.

  • First scientific conference on nanotechnology and rare diseases

    The Spanish nanomedicine platform (Nanomed Spain), together with the Sant Joan de Déu Research Institute and the IBEC (Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia), organised an event within the framework of the Rare Disease Day at which they presented the latest innovations in the field of nanomedicine for the treatment and diagnosis of these diseases.

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