Joan Francesc Alonso Lopez


Joan Francesc Alonso López is a member of the Biosignal Analysis for Rehabilitation and Therapy (BIOART) Research Group of the Biomedical Engineering Research Center of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, which was recognized by the Generalitat de Catalunya as an Emerging Group in 2009 and as a Consolidated Group in 2014.

He has worked as research support staff at CREB from 2004 to 2007, as a Researcher at the Biomedical Research Center for Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN, from 2008 to 2009, as an assistant professor from 2009 to 2014, and in different projects as a postdoctoral researcher since 2014, tasks that he combined with part-time university teaching. She defended her doctoral dissertation in 2011 with a Cum Cum Laude qualification, and was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Award in Industrial Engineering.

He is currently a full-time Lecturer (Serra Húnter) and teaches subjects in computer science, biomedical signal processing and biomedical image processing at the Barcelona School of Engineering (EEBE, In the field of biomedical engineering, he has directed 12 final-year degree projects, 5 master's thesis, 2 doctoral theses, and tutored in the curricular practices in companies of half a dozen students annually.

His research activity includes the processing of non-invasive biomedical signals of muscular (EMG, MMG) and cerebral (EEG, MEG) origin for the evaluation of different pathologies, drugs and therapies, and focuses especially on the analysis of the interactions between signals through classical and other nonlinear and non-parametric measurements derived from information theory.

He has participated in about twenty research projects (two of them as lead investigator) in the field of biomedical engineering, funded by both public announcements and by companies and private entities, and he is the co-author of more than one fifty scientific publications, more than half of them in indexed journals of international prestige.

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