Montserrat Mesegue Meda
Investigador pre-doc
Research group
Research line:
Pediatric leukemia and hematopoiesis
The researcher Montserrat Mesegué graduated in Medicine in 2008 from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been a specialist in Pediatrics since 2013 and later completed her master's degree in Pediatric Hematology at the SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital, completed in 2015.
She is currently completing her doctoral thesis linked to the University of Barcelona: Study of clinical and biological factors associated with toxicity in the treatment of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, led by Dr. Mireia Camós and Dra. Susana Rives.
Last Publications
- Mesegue-Meda M Guía de medicamentos a base de plantas para el tratamiento del resfriadocomún en pediatría Revista de Fitoterapia . 20(2): 139-151.
- Hensel A, Bauer R, Heinrich M, Hempel G, Kelber O, Kraft K, Lehmann B, Mesegue-Meda M, Nieber K, Roether B, Rollinger JM and Wiebelitz R Rationalising Optimal Dosing of Phytotherapeutics For Use In Children: Current Status - Potential Solutions - Actions Needed Planta Medica . 90(06): 416-425.
- Megías-Vericat JE, Bonanad Boix S, Berrueco R, Mingot-Castellano ME, Rodríguez López M, Canaro Hirnyk M, Mateo Arranz J, Calvo Villas JM, Haya Guaita S, Mesegue-Meda M, López Jaime F, Albo-López C, Palomero-Massanet A, Vilalta Seto N, Leciñena IL, Haro ARC and Poveda Andrés JL Pharmacokinetic and clinical improvements after PK-guided switch from standard half-life to extended half-life factor VIII products THROMBOSIS RESEARCH . 216: 35-42.
- Project name:
- SGR 2022-2024_Grup de recerca en tumors del desenvolupament
- Leader
- Jaume Mora Graupera
- Funding entities:
- Agaur - Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
- Code
- 2021 SGR 01612
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2022 - 2025
- Project name:
- Hacia la personalización de la profilaxis de la trombosis venosa profunda en pacientes pediátricos afectos de leucemia linfoblástica aguda: uso de test de generación de trombina.
- Leader
- Ruben Berrueco Moreno
- Funding entities:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Code
- PI17/00356
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2018 - 2022
- Project name:
- Reguladores epigenéticos en pacientes con leucemia pediátrica de alto riesgo: papel de la familia HDAC y microRNAs como biomarcadores de riesgo pronóstico y dianas terapéuticas
- Leader
- Mireia Camós Guijosa
- Funding entities:
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
- Code
- PI16/00246
- Starting - finishing date:
- 2017 - 2021
More activities
Defensa tesi doctoral: Montserrat Mesegué Medà
Auditori Plaza, Hospital Sant Joan de Déu · Online