Desiree Henares Bonilla

Desiree Henares Bonilla

Investigador pre-doc

Desirée Henares Bonilla graduated in Biomedical Sciences in 2015 from the University of Barcelona. In 2017, she studied the speciality of Clinical Microbiology of the Master of Clinical Research offered by the University of Barcelona and completed a training stay in the Microbiology service of the Clinical Hospital of Barcelona.

She is currently the recipient of a competitive scholarship from the Carlos III Health Institute (PFIS) to pursue doctoral studies in the line of Pathophysiology of Pediatric Diseases of the Translational Medicine and Research Program of the University of Barcelona. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the study of the microbiota of the upper respiratory tract as a protective or risk factor for the development of respiratory infections.

During her second year of doctoral thesis, she completed a research stay at Teagasc Food Reasearch Center (Ireland), where she acquired training in the bioinformatic and biostatistical analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequencing data that allows characterizing the bacterial microbiota.

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Project name:
Estudio de la capacidad de resilencia a largo y corto plazo de la microbiota nasofaríngea y su implicación en el paso de la colonización a enfermedad invasiva por bacterias patobiontes
Carmen Muñoz Almagro
Funding entities:
Muñoz Almagro, Carmen, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Fundació Privada per a la Recerca i la Docència Sant Joan de Déu - FSJD
Starting - finishing date:
2024 - 2026
Project name:
Epidemiología molecular de profagos de neumococo y su potencial impacto en el desarrollo de enfermedad invasiva neumocócica en niños.
Carmen Muñoz Almagro
Funding entities:
Societat Catalana de Malalties Infeccioses i Microbiologia
Starting - finishing date:
2023 - 2024
Project name:
SGR 2022-2024_Enfermedades Infecciosas en la Edad Pediátrica y Microbioma
Carmen Muñoz Almagro
Funding entities:
Agaur - Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca
2021 SGR 00396
Starting - finishing date:
2022 - 2025
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