Webinar IRISCAT · "Adipose tissue as immunological organ on inflammatory diseases"



  • Dra. Carolina Serena · Investigadora sénior I3 en el Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV), Hospital Joan XXIII de Tarragona dentro del grupo de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas (DIAMET).

About seminar

Crohn's disease is characterized by the expansion of mesenteric fat, also known as ''creeping fat.'' We explored the plasticity and immune properties of adipose-stem cells in the context of Crohn's patients as potential key players in the development of creeping fat. Mesenteric adipose-stem cells from Crohn's patients presented a more proliferative, inflammatory, invasive, and phagocytic phenotype than equivalent cells from healthy donors, irrespective of the clinical stage. Furthermore, we found that the inflammatory events that accounts Crohn's disease alter DNA methylations of the adipose stem cells, influencing their anti-inflammatory and regenerative capacity. Finally, we demonstrated that mesenteric adipose tissue of Crohn's patients is a bacterial reservoir, and it has a microbiome signature that is dependent on their clinical status. Interestingly, we studied Crohn's patients from adipocentric point of view, that was poorly approached.