Become a donor!
The purpose of the research is to improve disease awareness. Clinical, analytical, and imaging data are used to investigate diseases and biological material leftover from analyzes performed can be used to study genetic alterations.
If you find this information interesting and wish to collaborate in the scientific advancement of pediatric diseases and to participate in certain research projects as well as in the search for more effective treatments, you can ask the attending physician. He/she will inform you on how to authorize biological sample donation for research after all diagnostic studies have been completed.
Your doctor will also tell you that the donation will not cause any additional inconvenience to those of the diagnostic process for which you have gone to the hospital.
- Altruistic nature of the donation:
The transfer of biological samples that you make to the Biobank of the HISJDI is free. - Data protection and confidentiality:
samples will be kept coded and used for research anonymously.The biological samples and the clinical data associated with them will be kept until you withdraw, if you wish, your consent.
- Revocation of consent:
if you decide to sign this consent, you can also revoke it freely. Doing so will mean that your samples will be destroyed.
You can contact us by writing to:
Dr. Cristina Jou
Director of the Paediatric Biobank for Research
Hospital Sant Joan de Déu
Passatge Sant Joan de Déu, 2
08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona)
Tel. 93 253 21 00
In any case, the Biobank sincerely thanks you for your generosity and interest in collaborating with the advancement in pediatric research.