The protocol of the Methodological and Statistical Advisory Service (SAMER) of the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation:

Tasks that are made

The methodological and statistical support service offers the following tasks:

  • Support for project requests, before granting:
    • Review of the design and the methodology considered.
    • Calculation and justification of the sample size.
    • Specific description of statistical analyzes.
  • Performing methodological and data analysis tasks:
    • Database design.
    • Creation of the database.
    • Statistical analysis.
    • Support for writing articles.
    • Support for presentations at congresses.

Order of priorities in attendance of demands

The service will attend to the demands in order according to the following priorities:

  • Requests for projects.
  • Development of previously budgeted analyzes on projects awarded.
  • Other demands (theses, master's degree, end of the residence, congresses ...)

Suport to internal research projects

Regarding the IPs of the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation who are planning to request a research project:

  • Application support phase: The support service during the project application process, before the concession, is free, unlimited and priority.
  • The schedule of participation of the service in the elaboration of each project will be previously agreed with the IP to ensure the resolution of the work in the planned time.

Support to external research projects

When the availability of the SAMER allows it, statistical support tasks can be carried out to external researchers to the Sant Joan de Déu Foundation.

Support for researchers not realted to funded research projects

Researchers with needs not related to funded projects, after passing the research committee, will also be able to access the service. The demands will be answered always respecting the order of priorities and arrival and depending on the availability of the time of the request. The service will inform you of the approximate date on which the support will be carried out.

Participation with inclusion in the authority

In all those collaborations (related or not with financed projects) where the contribution of the service is scientific-technical, it will be requested that the participation is reflected in the responsibility of the possible articles or participation in the resulting congresses. An implication of this nature is understood to entail all the following points:

  • Statistical analysis of the data.
  • Interpretation of results.
  • Active participation in the writing of the article, revision of the text, tables.